Wednesday 29 May 2013



A course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood. Argument is one of the traditional modes of discourse. Adjective: argumentative.
Daniel J. O'Keefe, a professor of communication and persuasion theory, has distinguished two senses of argument. Put simply, "Argument1, the first sense, is a thing people make, as when an editorialist argues that some public policy is wrong. Argument2 is a kind of interaction people have, as when two friends argue about where to have lunch. So argument1 comes close to the ancient rhetorical notion of argument, while argument2 legitimates the modern interactional research."

Dan: I’m home
Jane: back home late aren’t you?
Dan: yeah well, I had to clear up some things in the office.
Jane: o really. Jack said you guys just had a good time at the Feisty Goat Bar.
Dan: ah… he did?
Jane: yeah…. So how was it?
Dan: how’s what?
Jane: the drinking.
Dan: o… the drinking… well… er… it was good.
Jane: pretty good huh.. good enough to make me wait for you huh?
Dan: why were you waiting for me dearest?
Jane: o.. nothing…. Just had a small dinner planned just for the two of us. Salad all mixed and ready, Champagne in the ice, two steaks ready for the grill… but no…. you were busy at the bar clearing up some things weren’t you?
Dan: but what are we celebrating dearest? Is there something about today that I should remember?
Jane: remember?! Why just don’t worry your poor old head, its just 20th anniversary that’s all..
Dan: why … i… I’m sorry I forgot…
Jane: Of cos you’re forgiven. Now, if you would just excuse me, I’ll be on my way to my mother’s house.
Dan: aww.. c’mon Jane lets talk about this ok? This was my fault….


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